Binfield Warfield Winkfield Arts Week
This 3 day Community Arts and Crafts Exhibition is on Friday 1st to Sunday 3rd November 2024. Artists from the local area can enter art/craft for FREE. Visitors can come and see the art for FREE 11.00-4.00 daily. The venue is Brownlow Hall Newell
Green, Warfield RG42 6AB.
The exhibition is part of the overall Binfield Warfield & Winkfield Arts Week and attracts 100s of entries from local creatives. You can enjoy and buy some of the best paintings, craft items, sculptures, photographs and fabric works by local artists who enter individually or as part of their local Art Group. Visit the exhibition and maybe you could find something to buy or even a local art group/organisation you would like to join.
This is an open art, photography and craft exhibition of up to 5 artworks per individual exhibitor. You must be a local resident from within the three Parishes of Binfield or Winkfield or Warfield to exhibit - or in a school or art group that is based in this area.
For assistance on anything to do with Arts Week and this exhibition please contact me.
Jonathan Greenyer
Arts Week Creative Consultant